Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why Blog?

WHO BETTER THAN MEI never thought I would be a "blogger" but I guess this technology class had another plan for me. The first class my professor told us to think of something to do with education that we wanted to blog about. That was easy Autism has always been in favorite topic of mine but what to write about. That's were I was lost. How was i to create a blog about Autism that was not opinion or how could i create and educational blog? Sitting in class tonight I remembered a conversation I had with my mom about a month ago. She was feeling as if there would never be anyone fighting for a child she had recently had some experience working with. As we stood in a parking lot later that night I promised her that there would always be someone fighting for Children with Autism. But who this child had already been through so much and it did feel like no one was on his/her side. I told her someone would fight even if i had to become his teacher. Well i knew it wasn't going to be that easy. But how could I follow through on my promise.Somehow i would learn how to fight for him, this blog kind of fell in my lap. Why not use the tools I am learning to fight for him/her...                                                          This blog will be my fighting tool. I will post pictures, videos, and information about Children with Autism and what is being done to better understand and help children. I will post experiences I have and experiences I have heard about. I plan to post as often as possible. I look forward to seeing how much I can learn and I look forward to seeing what my followers think of my Blog

Well.... on to learning more about how to create a blog.

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