Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Blog Due Date: Today

Over the past few weeks i have been creating this blog as part of an assignment for class. I went into it scared that it would be to diffcult and that i would not be able to create a nice looking blog enough to receive a good grade. Well, today with is the due date. i am proud of what i was able to create. I may not have added to much information regarding autism but i plan on continuing this blog and providing more information to my readers. Thank you for supporting my adventure in creating a blog and i hope you have enjoyed what you have read.

Applied Behavior Analysis

Here are some videos on ABA (applied behavior analysis) one of the therapies that a parent gets to chose to help their child with day to day activites.

Thank Heaven For Little Boys

I have always been the type of person who always tries to look on the brightside of things. I have been blessed with 9 (yes I said 9)handsome and healthy nephews. The ninth came yesterday, two months early and only weighing in at 4.1 pounds. As i sat in the nicu i sat there and thanked god for giving us this wonder gift. then though he is so little he is doing well and as of last night was not on any oxogen on any other help. Then for some reason i began to worry. Autism is found mostly in boys. I have nine young boys in my family. I am not saying that if any one of them was to be diagonsed with autism i would be mad or embrace it. But what i am saying is this is not a huge worry in a family. If any one of my little guys had some type of disablity i would fight so hard for them. I would be the one infront of the state house fighting for funding. my little men are my world. the reson i get up in the morning. For some reason yesterday as i held the finger of that little peanut i made a prosime to him. That i would always fight for him no matter what. Now its just a waiting game. with autism many children do not show signs till about 18 months. I have 3 nephews under the age of 3. soon time will tell what is in store for them but one thing is for sure they will always be the light of my world.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday Night Class

I am having trouble thinking about what to write about now. Do I give some information about autism or do I give some information about services that can be used with Autistic children. Tonight, google just wasnt on my side either. so I turned to youtube. Not that all I want is to have videos but sometimes youtube sums everything up for me. the visual learner.

"Fixing" Autism

Man, I would love to meet this little girl. This video brought tears to my eyes.

My little brother has autism

10 Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew

Youtube has allowed me to step into the lives of people who are living with Autism or living with a person with autism. I could post many more but for now these are the ones that on this Tuesday made me stop and think.

What else could I be doing?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


As I was looking at my mom's news feed page on face book (because she always forgets to turn it off) I saw a link to this video and sat there amazed for the nine minutes it played. This ten year old little boy was born to a drug addicted mother. He is Blind and Autistic and man can he sing. I hope you will all take a look.

thanks to you tube i also came across this video of Christopher.

Christopher's fan page on facebook:

This was just what I needed to come across today. Kind of shows you no matter what your disability if you are will to try and have the right support you can do just about anything.